Git submodules

Husky handles git submodules in two ways:

  • The project hooks and husky steps are completely ignored when the project is a git submodule.
  • The hooks are installed in the submodule's git directory. This is the default mode following the step in Installation and Attach Husky to your project should get you up and running.

Installing husky

When running dotnet husky install Husky will alert you when it detects a submodule and tell you where it will attach the hooks:

Submodule detected, attaching .../Repository/Project/mySubmodule/.husky hooks to .../Repository/Project/.git/modules/mySubmodule


The submodule hooks will only be executed when you're issuing git commands from inside the submodule folder.

Ignoring submodule install

For Husky to ignore installing when in a submodule, call dotnet husky install --ignore-submodule. This will make the install step a no-op. No git configurations will be applied and your hooks won't be attached.

A message will alert you when this is happening:

Submodule detected and [--ignore-when-submodule] is set, skipping install target

Attaching husky

The attach command offers a --ignore-submodule options that generates an MsBuild target you can skip by setting the IgnoreSubmodule variable to 0 similar to the Husky variable, see Disable husky in CI/CD pipelines

The generated block will look something like this, If you're attaching husky manually copy the target to your .csproj and adjust WorkingDirectory accordingly.

<Target Name="husky" BeforeTargets="Restore;CollectPackageReferences" Condition="'$(HUSKY)' != 0  and '$(IgnoreSubmodule)' != 0">
   <Exec Command="dotnet tool restore"  StandardOutputImportance="Low" StandardErrorImportance="High"/>
   <Exec Command="dotnet husky install --ignore-submodule" StandardOutputImportance="Low" StandardErrorImportance="High"
         WorkingDirectory="../../" />  <!--Update this to the relative path to your project root dir -->


If you want your submodule hooks ignored but still want the MsBuild target to run, remove the and '$(IgnoreSubmodule)' != 0 condition. dotnet husky install --ignore-submodule is enough to prevent the installation of the hooks.