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GridifyQuery is a simple class for configuring Filtering, Ordering and Paging.

var gq = new GridifyQuery()
    Filter = "FirstName=John",
    Page = 1,
    PageSize = 20,
    OrderBy = "Age"

// Apply Filter, Sort and Paging
Paging<Person> result = personsRepo.Gridify(gq);


This extension method, checks if the GridifyQuery (Filter, OrderBy) is valid to use with a custom mapper or the auto generated mapper and returns true or false.

var gq = new GridifyQuery() { Filter = "name=John" , OrderBy = "Age" };
// true
bool isValid = gq.IsValid<Person>();
var gq = new GridifyQuery() { Filter = "NonExist=John" , OrderBy = "Age" };
// false (NonExist is not a property of Person)
bool isValid = gq.IsValid<Person>();
var gq = new GridifyQuery() { Filter = "@name=!" , OrderBy = "Age" };
// false (this is not a valid filter)
bool isValid = gq.IsValid<Person>();

Optionally you can pass a custom mapper to check if the GridifyQuery is valid for that mapper.

var mapper = new GridifyMapper<Person>()
      .AddMap("name", q => q.Name);
var gq = new GridifyQuery() { Filter = "name=John" , OrderBy = "Age" };

// false (Age is not mapped)
bool isValid = gq.IsValid(mapper);


This extension method, creates a lambda expression using the GridifyQuery.Filter property that you can use it in the LINQ Where method to filter the data.

var gq = new GridifyQuery() { Filter = "name=John" };
Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression = gq.GetFilteringExpression<Person>();
var result = personsRepo.Where(expression);