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Gridify Client Library

The Gridify Client library is a lightweight JavaScript and TypeScript library designed to simplify the creation of dynamic queries on the client side. This library facilitates the construction of queries that can be seamlessly integrated with your server-side APIs, leveraging the powerful features of Gridify.


To integrate the Gridify Client library into your project, install it using npm:

npm i gridify-client


The GridifyQueryBuilder interface represents the methods available for constructing dynamic queries using the Gridify Client library.

The following table describes the methods available in the GridifyQueryBuilder interface for constructing dynamic queries.

setPagepage: numberSet the page number for pagination.
setPageSizepageSize: numberSet the page size for pagination.
addOrderByfield: string, descending?: booleanAdd ordering based on a field. If descending is true, the ordering is in descending order (default is ascending).
addConditionfield, operator, value, caseSensitive, escapeValueAdd filtering conditions. caseSensitive and escapeValue are optional parameters.
startGroup-Start a logical grouping of conditions.
endGroup-End the current logical group.
and-Add the logical AND operator.
or-Add the logical OR operator.
build-Build and retrieve the constructed query.

Conditional Operators

We can use the ConditionalOperator enum to access supported operators. we can pass these operators to the second parameter of addCondition method

LessThanLess Than
GreaterThanGreater Than
GreaterThanOrEqualGreater Than or Equal
LessThanOrEqualLess Than or Equal
ContainsString Contains (LIKE)
NotContainsString Does Not Contain (NOT LIKE)
StartsWithString Starts With
NotStartsWithString Does Not Start With
EndsWithString Ends With
NotEndsWithString Does Not End With

Usage Example

Below is a basic example demonstrating the usage of the Gridify Client library in TypeScript. This example constructs a dynamic query for pagination, ordering, and filtering:

import { GridifyQueryBuilder, ConditionalOperator as op } from "gridify-client";

const query = new GridifyQueryBuilder()
  .addOrderBy("name", true)
    .addCondition("age", op.LessThan, 50)
    .addCondition("name", op.StartsWith, "A")
  .addCondition("isActive", op.Equal, true)



  "page": 2,
  "pageSize": 10,
  "orderBy": "name desc",
  "filter": "(age<50|name^A),isActive=true"