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The Gridify library adds the below extension methods to IQueryable objects.

All Gridify extension methods can accept GridifyQuery and GridifyMapper as a parameter. Make sure to check out the documentation of these classes for more information.


If you want to use Gridify extension methods on an IEnumerable object, use .AsQueryable() first.


You can use this method if you want to only apply filtering on an IQueriable or DbSet.

var query = personsRepo.ApplyFiltering("name = John");

this is completely equivalent to the below LINQ query:

var query = personsRepo.Where(p => p.Name == "John");

In the ApplyFiltering method, we can use a raw string to filter the data, which can be generated dynamically or passed by the end-user for example through an API client or console input, but using the Linq Where method, we always have to hard code the query for the supported fields.

Check out the Filtering Operators section for more information.


You can use this method if you want to only apply ordering on an IQueriable collection or DbSet.

var query = personsRepo.ApplyOrdering("name, age desc");

this is completely equivalent to the below LINQ query:

var query = personsRepo.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ThenByDescending(x => x.Age);

Check out the Ordering section for more information.


You can use this method if you want to only apply paging on an IQueryable collection or DbSet.

var query = personsRepo.ApplyPaging(3, 20);

this is completely equivalent to the below LINQ query:

var query = personsRepo.Skip((3-1) * 20).Take(20);


You can use this method if you want to apply filtering and ordering on an IQueryable collection or DbSet. This method accepts IGridifyQuery.


You can use this method if you want to apply ordering and paging on an IQueryable collection or DbSet. This method accepts IGridifyQuery.


You can use this method if you want to apply filtering and ordering and paging on an IQueryable collection or DbSet. This method accepts IGridifyQuery.


Like ApplyFilteringOrderingPaging but it returns a QueryablePaging<T> that has an extra int Count value that can be used for pagination.


This is an ALL-IN-ONE package, it accepts IGridifyQuery, applies filtering, ordering, and paging, and returns a Paging<T> object. This method is completely optimized to be used with any Grid component.